Will Goodlatte leave 30,000 of his constituents in the lurch?

Congressman Goodlatte has been among the Republicans voting repeatedly to repeal the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare), which in 2016 enabled more than 30,000 residents of the Sixth District to purchase health insurance. Enrollment for 2017 promises to be even larger. While there are some problems with the ACA that could easily be fixed if Goodlatte and other Republicans would cooperate, the law has reduced the number of uninsured Americans by 21.3 million– cutting the number of uninsured in half.

But with a Republican President-elect who supports repeal and a Republican majority in both houses of Congress, the ACA and the millions of Americans insured through the law are under serious threat.

Goodlatte has expressed support for the House Republicans’ supposed alternative to the ACA. But as Huffington Post reported:

The plan, which isn’t legislation and is more like a mission statement, lacks the level of detail that would enable a full analysis, but one thing is clear: If put in place, it would almost surely mean fewer people with health insurance, fewer people getting financial assistance for their premiums or out-of-pocket costs, and fewer consumer protections than the ACA provides.

Is Goodlatte prepared to let that happen?

5 thoughts on “Will Goodlatte leave 30,000 of his constituents in the lurch?

  1. Yes, absolutely. Mr. Goodlatte has a long history of supporting his wealthiest constituents and his corporate clients. He’s a lawyer and knows how to advocate for the powerful. He’s a complete failure to the rest of the citizens in his district. The mystery is always, why do so many keep voting him back into office? I’m pretty sure that it’s because he has not really been challenged or had his feet held to the fire.

    This is a long game. I appreciate your starting this blog and intend to support is as much as I can.

    Thank you.

    Brent Holl


  2. Bobblehead Bob will follow GOP and his corporate donor marching orders….6th district constituents be damned. Anybody really believe “repeal and replace?” The Repugs will vote to repeal and quickly forget the replace.


  3. Thanks for doing this website. And the more specific you can get (bill numbers, etc) the better, so we can also be specific when we call/write Mr Goodlatte.


  4. The 6th District deserves better than Bob.


  5. […] though more than 30,000 of his Sixth District constituents have obtained vital health insurance through the Affordable Care […]


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