Goodlatte dodges press queries on committee staffers’ work for Trump

It’s not just the constituents contacting Congressman Goodlatte’s office who are being stonewalled about this. Politico reports:

Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) refused repeatedly Wednesday to say why his staffers worked in secret on President Donald Trump’s order curbing immigration from seven Muslim-majority nations.

And he ignored multiple questions about a POLITICO report indicating those staffers signed confidentiality agreements preventing them from sharing their work with lawmakers, a decision roiling Congress as members grapple with the messy rollout of the executive order.

“I’ve got to get back to the Hill,” the Judiciary Committee chairman said as he ignored multiple questions after an appearance before the Federalist Society at the National Press Club. “We’ve got a vote.”

As Goodlatte waited in an elevator bank declining questions on the subject, aides told reporters to contact his press office instead. Aides in that office, however, have refused to answer follow-up questions about the arrangement.

Goodlatte’s silence on the matter follows a POLITICO report that revealed Goodlatte staffers worked quietly on Trump’s order without informing House leadership. Sources said the staffers, who aided the Trump transition, signed nondisclosure agreements.

2 thoughts on “Goodlatte dodges press queries on committee staffers’ work for Trump

  1. Robert M. Crouch

    Our nation is at serious risk from a President who is a pathological lier and has no empathy for anyone who is not in his own little circle. It appears to me that Rep. Goodlatte now thinks he works for this evil person not the people he was elected to represent.


  2. Very disturbing!! Come clean, Congressman!!! Start working for your constituents!!


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